Your full-time job is really a part-time job


We think that we have 8 hours to work but in the practice that its not true, we usually have meetings, a ritual to start to work, social media to check, emails, have to go to he restroom, serve you coffee and the list goes on and on. The reality is that of your 8 hours of work you really have 6 or less of effective work because of all the interruptions mentioned above, and a little problem that usually we are not aware, the time that take us to get back on track after a distract

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When your perks become an issue

I want to talk about this particular topic because in the world of software development we have a lot of perks that could be the envy of others professionals even in the same company just because we are feel like we are the gods and we deserve everything (millennial thinking), but we should know those perks are not for free and some times could through you to conflicts with your partners or employees in particular free schedule and working remotely.

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Sociedad “natural”

A los que critican la ideología de género por ser antinatural, pues hay que analizar qué como sociedad somos muchas cosas, antes los hombres nos dedicamos a cazar alimento y las mujeres a cuidar de los niños, después aprendimos a sembrar y logramos establecernos en pueblos, después aprendimos a que con otros pueblos podríamos intercambiar cosechas por otros productos como pescados, después vimos que necesitábamos una manera de intercambio de esfuerzo más efectiva que el trueque y nació el dinero.

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